Sir Michael Walters
Founder, CEO & President

Why Wings? Our founder’s amazing story of discovering purpose through perseverance.

In the annals of humanitarian endeavors, some stories stand out as beacons of hope amidst despair, tales of individuals who dared to challenge the status quo and dedicate their lives to a cause greater than themselves.

This is the story of my journey, a journey marked by unexpected turns, profound revelations, and an unwavering commitment to saving lives.

As a young aspiring television producer, I embarked on my career with dreams of capturing captivating stories on screen. Little did I know that in 1986 my path would diverge, leading me towards a higher purpose. It was through the early development of my producing skills that I found myself documenting a medical mission to La Paz, Bolivia, where I witnessed the incredible efforts of a team working tirelessly to restore the lives of severely burned children. In those transformative ten days, I realized that my calling transcended mere storytelling – I was meant to rescue people in their most desperate hour of need.

The journey took an unforeseen turn when Bill Trull, the medical mission’s executive producer and personal mentor, presented plans to equip the medical team for rapid disaster response. With Bill’s death, his plans and contacts for the donation of our first aircraft went to his grave with him. And despite the tragic loss of Bill shortly thereafter, I resolved to carry on his legacy. The road ahead seemed daunting, but my journey was far from over.

Another pivotal moment came 10 years later as I traveled to Brazil to document the devastating orphan crisis. During this journey I was taken to a favela, and there I was deeply moved by a father’s heartbreaking stories of frequent floods that would rush through the favela and carry their children to their deaths in the darkness of the night.  And in this father’s tearful request, his prayer was if somehow, someway, I could share his story and touch hearts large enough that would donate a large drainage culvert, then his prayers would be answered and the recurring nightmare for his community would cease.  However, my pleas for assistance in both Brazil and the United States fell on deaf ears, highlighting the apathy that plagues our world, both then and today, and preparing me for a long road ahead of rejections.

Determined to make a difference, I delved into researching disaster response efforts, witnessing firsthand the consequences of inaction. It became clear to me that our world needed a smarter, more efficient approach to saving lives in times of crisis. Thus, Wings CRS was born, with a steadfast commitment to revolutionizing catastrophe response.

The journey was fraught with challenges – indifference from those in power, resistance from established systems – but I refused to waver. Through thirty years of prayer and perseverance, I finally secured a pledge for the massive funding required to launch our global mission to save more lives. The trials are not over yet, but today Wings CRS stands as a testament to the power of resilience and collective action.

I believe that soon our air fleet will embark on its first mission, and I am filled with gratitude for those who have supported our cause. The journey has been a transformative experience, shaping me in ways I never imagined. For me, saving lives is not just a duty – it’s a calling, driven by love and compassion.

As we ask ourselves and others, “What is one life worth?” I am reminded that perhaps the very life we save will be your own. For in the journey of life, it’s not just about reaching the destination – it’s about the lives we touch and the difference we make along the way.

Sir Michael Walters
Founder, CEO & President

Why Wings? Our founder’s amazing story of discovering purpose through perseverance.

In the annals of humanitarian endeavors, some stories stand out as beacons of hope amidst despair, tales of individuals who dared to challenge the status quo and dedicate their lives to a cause greater than themselves.

This is the story of my journey, a journey marked by unexpected turns, profound revelations, and an unwavering commitment to saving lives.

As a young aspiring television producer, I embarked on my career with dreams of capturing captivating stories on screen. Little did I know that in 1986 my path would diverge, leading me towards a higher purpose. It was through the early development of my producing skills that I found myself documenting a medical mission to La Paz, Bolivia, where I witnessed the incredible efforts of a team working tirelessly to restore the lives of severely burned children. In those transformative ten days, I realized that my calling transcended mere storytelling – I was meant to rescue people in their most desperate hour of need.

The journey took an unforeseen turn when Bill Trull, the medical mission’s executive producer and personal mentor, presented plans to equip the medical team for rapid disaster response. With Bill’s death, his plans and contacts for the donation of our first aircraft went to his grave with him. And despite the tragic loss of Bill shortly thereafter, I resolved to carry on his legacy. The road ahead seemed daunting, but my journey was far from over.

Another pivotal moment came 10 years later as I traveled to Brazil to document the devastating orphan crisis. During this journey I was taken to a favela, and there I was deeply moved by a father’s heartbreaking stories of frequent floods that would rush through the favela and carry their children to their deaths in the darkness of the night.  And in this father’s tearful request, his prayer was if somehow, someway, I could share his story and touch hearts large enough that would donate a large drainage culvert, then his prayers would be answered and the recurring nightmare for his community would cease.  However, my pleas for assistance in both Brazil and the United States fell on deaf ears, highlighting the apathy that plagues our world, both then and today, and preparing me for a long road ahead of rejections.

Determined to make a difference, I delved into researching disaster response efforts, witnessing firsthand the consequences of inaction. It became clear to me that our world needed a smarter, more efficient approach to saving lives in times of crisis. Thus, Wings CRS was born, with a steadfast commitment to revolutionizing catastrophe response.

The journey was fraught with challenges – indifference from those in power, resistance from established systems – but I refused to waver. Through thirty years of prayer and perseverance, I finally secured a pledge for the massive funding required to launch our global mission to save more lives. The trials are not over yet, but today Wings CRS stands as a testament to the power of resilience and collective action.

I believe that soon our air fleet will embark on its first mission, and I am filled with gratitude for those who have supported our cause. The journey has been a transformative experience, shaping me in ways I never imagined. For me, saving lives is not just a duty – it’s a calling, driven by love and compassion.

As we ask ourselves and others, “What is one life worth?” I am reminded that perhaps the very life we save will be your own. For in the journey of life, it’s not just about reaching the destination – it’s about the lives we touch and the difference we make along the way.